
Jun 24, 2011

Formula Feeding

Bottle feeding usually comes with little trouble learning (on the baby's part) and little trouble delivering (on the parent end). Different formulas work better for different babies and sometimes experimentation is required (per doctors orders).
Always remember to throw out any unused portions after a feeding.

First, you'll need supplies. 

  • 4,   4-ounce bottles
  • 10 - 12,   8-ounce bottles
  • Nipples and rings
  • Bottle and nipple brushes
  • Large measuring pitcher
  • Measuring cup
  • Long handled mixing spoon
Bottles come in 3 different styles: 
  1. Traditional - straight neck and body.
  2. Angled necks - designed to reduce the air intake by keeping the nipple filled with liquid (less air = less gas).
  3. Disposable systems - use reusable bags which collapse as the baby eats (also minimizes air swallowing). 
Nipples come in different shapes: 
  • Orthodontic shape 
  • Wide based that mimic the breast
  • Also, they come in silicon which are odor and taste free, they don't get gummy, are see-through, and are dishwasher safe
Nipples come with different hole sizes: 
  • smaller for younger babies
  • larger for older babies
Selecting a formula: 
Formula can't replicate breast milk, but they do come closer to the standards now, than they ever have before. They all include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sodium, vitamins, minerals, water, and other nutrients similar to breast milk. They must all meet the FDA standards. Just about any iron-containing formula will be good. I've used Enfamil Premium Lipple, Similac Complete Nutrition, and Parents Choice (Premium - comparable to Emfamil and Similac).
  • Ask your baby's doctor which formula he/she would recommend. 
  • A majority of formulas are made with cows milk because it makes the best formula for human babies. Don't give your baby actual cow's milk until he/she is 1 year of age. In infant formulas they make the cow's milk more digestible, more lactose is added so its closer to breast milk, and butterfat is replaced with vegetable oil. 
  • There are also Soy-based formulas, which are modified with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Soy formulas aren't usually recommended unless there are special health considerations for the baby (usually a cow's milk allergy). Some Vegan parents may opt for this choice. Research shows that babies who eat soy-based formula are more likely to have a peanut allergy later on. 
  • There are formulas that are made just for premature babies. 
  • There are formulas that are made for babies who are allergic to cow's milk and soy. 
  • There are formulas for babies that have metabolic disorders (like PKU). 
  • There are lactose-free formulas. 
  • There are hypo-allergenic formulas. 
  • The last 5 formulas I just listed are considerably more expensive than regular formulas. 
  • Iron-fortified formulas are the best. 

Also, DHA and ARA are important in formulas now. Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in breast milk and are now being replicated in formulas. 

If you had wanted to breastfeed, but couldn't, don't feel guilty. From time to time you may want to think about skin to skin contact while bottle feeding.

Normal formula stools will be slightly formed and light brown, bright yellow, or dark green.

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