No questions asked - Breast is the best!
But that's not to say its "superior" - Breast is just biologically normal (but by no means am I implying that it is biologically innate - its not)
But that's not to say its "superior" - Breast is just biologically normal (but by no means am I implying that it is biologically innate - its not)
This isn't to say formula fed babies don't grow. Obviously they do, but formula manufacturers are constantly challenged to include all of the nutrients that breast milk contains. They just wont ever be able to completely mimic what nature gave us. All mammals do best with milk from their own species.
Benefits of breast milk:
- Colostrum will come in before milk; it resembles blood more than milk because it contains protective white blood cells that can attack harmful bacteria. It also "seals" the inside of the baby's intestines, preventing the invasion of bacteria and provides the baby with high levels of antibodies from the mother. It is the ideal first food for a baby. It is high in protein and low in sugar and fat which makes it easy to digest. It also helps to stimulate the first bowel movement (meconium). Colostrum helps eliminate bilirubin from the body and may lessen the incidence and severity of jaundice.
- Breast milk is custom made just for your human babies. It contains some 100 ingredients not found in cows milk and that can't be made in a lab. Unlike formula, breast milk changes as your baby grows. Its different at different times of the day, at the beginning and end of a feeding, and from month to month.
- Its easily digested - more easily than cows milk.
- Promotes the best health and development.
- Protects against illnesses throughout the entire first year and beyond (as long as nursing continues) and lessens the likeliness of diaper rashes.
- Promotes brain development.
- Provides immunity against certain illnesses.
- Lower cholesterol levels and less coronary artery disease when they become adults.
- Protective against chronic digestive disorders (like Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis).
- Lower rate of asthma in adults who were breastfed (though, the rates between breastfed and formula fed babies, aren't significantly different).
- Smaller chance of developing Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes.
- Smaller chance of developing cancer of the lymph glands.
- It builds strong jaws, gums, teeth, and palate. No bottle nipple can do this.
- Hormones are released while breastfeeding that promote a physiological bond between mom and baby.
Benefits of breastfeeding to mom:
- Its convenient!
- Its free! A months supply of formula can cost $100 or more.
- Gradual weight loss and quicker postpartum recovery
- Lower rates of ovarian cancer and premenopausal breast cancer (it appears the risk of cancer decreases the longer a woman breastfeeds)
- There is some evidence that breastfeeding offers protection against osteoporosis later in life
- A longer period of time between periods and some protection against pregnancy.
- Ensured breaks in your day while breastfeeding.
Benefits of cow's milk:
- Contains proteins that favor muscular growth and immunities to bovine disease.
Formula fed babies:
- Are at a greater risk for developing illness and being hospitalized
- Higher incidences of diarrhea and respiratory illnesses (which are more serious in the formula fed baby vs. the breast milk fed baby)
- Develop more ear infections, which can lead to speech and reading issues
- UTI's and bacterial meningitis are more common in formula fed babies vs. breastfed babies
- Higher incidences of colic, constipation, and allergies (a lot of babies are allergic to formulas)
- Experience more learning disorders and lower levels of intellectual functioning
- Are more commonly overfed, which leads to obesity (which can have lasting results into adulthood)
Using a bottle: whether using a bottle to feed breast milk or formula, the use of a bottle can lead to...
- Tooth decay
- Malocclusion
- Distortion of the facial muscles
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