I am small in build - weighing only 111lbs when I got pregnant.
4 weeks pregnant
I found out I was pregnant on a December (Saturday) morning. I had to go to work, but for whatever reason, I felt like I should take a pregnancy test that morning. I had some tests leftover from months and months before. I don't even know why I thought I should take one...I wasn't thinking about it at all and really hadn't suspected that I was. The previous night, I was in bed and felt this weird "pull" in my lower abdomen. I had never felt something like that before and it caught me off guard. I had also had a dream that I was pregnant and had never in my life had a dream like that before. My periods were really irregular, so I never really knew when they were coming. I had one around Halloween and had a really light "period" (more like spotting) around Thanksgiving (looking back, I'm thinking it was implantation bleeding).
So anyways, I took the test, put it on the floor, and walked away to get ready for my morning. I was on my way out of the bathroom when I glanced down at the floor. My mind read "not pregnant" but the test said "PREGNANT" - Like I said, I didn't register that and I walked out of the bathroom. Then I walked right back in. Then I freaked out.
The rest of my weekend didn't go all that well, but I took it easy and just couldn't believe that I was actually pregnant!
5 weeks pregnant
- I have this "come and go" belly. I don't show in the mornings at all, but by late afternoon there is this tiny little bump.
- My very first craving: Orange Julius. I hadn't had one in years, but I needed one like you need air to breathe.
- My pelvis hurts, like I've done the splits.
- No morning sickness, but it takes me awhile to get my appetite going in the morning.
- I'm getting bladder infection upon bladder infection.
- I'm gassy...oh joy.
- I'm a little constipated...oh joy again.
- My hair seems more curly than it was.
- I'm always starving! I would take a big tub of yogurt to work with me and literally eat a half of a tub at a time! Same goes for cottage cheese. I ate a half a tub of that and then went out for dinner! 2 hours later, I was hungry again - it was like I hadn't eaten all day long.
- I'm crying all the time (though, I probably had good reason, most of the time)
- Dessert foods make my stomach turn - I can't even look at them.
- I'm tired all the time.
- I'm peeing all the time.
- My boobs hurt.
- My back hurts more than usual.
6 weeks pregnant
All day sickness has started.
Its awful. I don't puke, but I wish I would because I think I'd feel better if I could. I'm even more tired and I'm having horrible headaches.
7 weeks pregnant
- I had a dream that I was having a boy (though, I had so totally convinced myself that it was a girl). I dreamt that he had a condition of the penis that would cause it to always point straight out - he'd have to wear special pants! I was so freaked out and disoriented when I woke up that I almost looked it up.
- Smell kicked in. When I woke up one morning, I swore that I could smell Doritos. I had nothing of the sort anywhere in my house. I could also smell my lotion, but it wasn't even open. Fruity smells make me want to puke.
- I had my first OB visit this week where I got to have a physical, a PAP, pee in a cup, and gave 7 - yup, SEVEN vials of blood. I wasn't able to hear a heartbeat yet. I dream about food all the time; mostly fruit (but yet I can't stand the smell of anything fruity...weird, right?). I have a bladder that wont quit. I wake up at 4:30am and 6:00am everyday.
8 weeks pregnant
I saw my baby and the heartbeat for the first time. It looked like a little strobe light and the baby looked like a peanut. 150bpm. "Due Date" is 8-23-10. A few nights ago I had this weird dream that I was 3cm dilated and had to push (see my birth story to see why this is insanely weird!!! Trista's Birth Story). I woke up and had to pee. Today (January 13th) was an emotional day. Not only did something personal happen where someone walked out of my life, but I also had a friend of mine take his life the night before (and I found out today). I may have been the last person that he spoke to.
11 weeks pregnant
I got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time today! How amazing!!
12 weeks pregnant
- I'm getting a little bit of energy back, but I'm still not feeling all that great. I don't fit into a lot of my clothes (mostly just pants) anymore.
- My latest craving? Bacon, steak, and brats.
- Most recent odd dream? My baby wasn't growing inside of me, instead it was growing in a fish tank and I could see it! Totally weird. But kind of neat!
- I'm having these awful lower back spasms that wake me up in the middle of the night - like charlie horses in your back.
14 weeks pregnant
I felt my baby move today! If felt like this weird little flutter in my left side - like a roll. I was sitting at the computer when I felt it.
16 weeks pregnant
- I hadn't felt any movement since 14 weeks, but today (March 8th) at the OB appointment, my doctor got out the doppler to listen for a heartbeat and my baby kicked that doppler so hard that we all heard it!! It was like a piece of popcorn popped really hard inside of me!
- I broke out into hives all over my body yesterday (March 11th) and they lasted 12 full hours. When one patch would break out and I'd itch it, then another patch would break out. It was awful! I was still itchy today and got in to see my doctor right away. My Grandma was itchy in one of her pregnancies and my Mom was horribly itchy all throughout her pregnancy with my younger sister. Its a condition called Cholestasis (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy or Obstetric Cholestasis). Its a liver condition that impairs the normal flow of bile. 1 - 2 pregnancies out of 1,000 are affected, which makes it rare, underdiagnosed, and not always taken seriously. My doctor, lucky for me, did take it seriously. You have to be watched carefully for severe itching and such, because it can be fatal to your baby, and in many cases, you're induced around 36 - 37 weeks. For more information, visit Itchy Moms.
- I'm still itchy today (March 13th) and not feeling well. I've had a lot of near fainting spells lately. I'm trying to stay away from fried food and drink tons of lemon water to help with the itching.
18 weeks pregnant
I felt my baby doing somersaults today!
I feel light kicking at night and it was the first time that my husband was able to feel it as well.
20 weeks pregnant
I haven't had any caffeine at all so far, but this week I went to a coffee shop and caved. The baby kicked like crazy!! We had an ultrasound this week and could see the baby waving and stretching completely straight out (which doesn't feel very good!) and yawning and yawning - the cutest thing I've ever seen! We found out we were having a girl!
21 weeks pregnant
I had a brownie sunday and the baby went nuts, just kicking and kicking away. I could actually see the kicking! Amazing!
24 weeks pregnant
- I wake up in the morning and get to feel my baby moving and kicking. Its a nice way to wake up. I do it every single morning. This week was different though; I was laying there and actually saw, what I'm assuming was, the baby's heel move across my side a few times! Its a really odd feeling, but it was so cool!
- I turned 25 a few weeks ago and now this week its my first Mother's Day.
- I had my 3rd Braxton Hicks contraction this week. Its been about 1 every week since 22 weeks. It seems to happen in the morning (probably due to a full bladder).
- My back pains are back again (the charlie horses in my lower back).
- I'm having a hard time sleeping because my blood vessels are being pressed and I get pain in the leg I'm laying on.
- I've been leaking colostrum - that's fun...
- I'm having a harder time breathing because you're getting bigger and more up in my lung area.
- My heartburn and acid reflux are back. I haven't had any since my 1st trimester.
25 weeks pregnant
- Another appointment this week (my 5th). I'm measuring right on and baby has a great heartbeat.
- Childbirth classes have started and I'm enjoying those.
- In 3 weeks I go back to the doctor to be tested for Gestational Diabetes and I will also receive my first Rh injection since I am Rh (-).
- I am 138lbs now (so I've gained 27lbs).
- I had uninterrupted sleep for awhile there, but now I'm up to pee around 6:00am again.
26 weeks pregnant
- My back is so sore.
- I swear my baby has 10 limbs because I can feel movement everywhere all at the same time. There's a lot more activity lately and a lot of hiccups.
- I feel really sore in my pelvic bones, mainly on the left side.
- The baby likes to have her feet down, kicking me in the cervix.
27 weeks pregnant
- The baby kicked my hand on my belly so hard today that it made my hand jump!
- Its so hot outside - a humid, thick in the air, 90+ degrees.
- The baby is usually in the head down position now, kicking me right in my ribs.
- I'm just over 140lbs now (gained about 29 lbs or more at this point) - I've gone up 3 pant sizes.
- I had a rough night where all the baby wanted to do was roll, kick, punch, booty bump, you name it, I got no sleep. It kept giving me Braxton Hicks and I was getting more and more tired and annoyed. At first it was cute, but when it went on and on past 1am...it wasn't anymore.
28 weeks pregnant
I had to drink an extremely disgustingly sweet drink for my GD test today and I got my Rh injection.
29 weeks pregnant
For two days I had quite a bit of watery discharge. I was worried that it could be amniotic fluid, so I called my doctor and she told me to go to the Birth Center. I checked in and they hooked me up to the monitor. I had around 6 or 7 strong Braxton Hicks while I was there, but it turns out that it didn't appear to be amniotic fluid. Lots of Braxton Hicks, but they aren't getting any stronger - they just aren't very comfortable.
30 weeks pregnant
I'm having Braxton Hicks every day for the last 10 days now.
32 - 34 weeks pregnant
- So, at my 32nd week appointment, I asked my doctor if I could get an ultrasound for my 3rd trimester. I just felt like I should; so we set one up.
- 33 weeks pregnant: During the ultrasound, we were talking about our "girl" as the Ultrasound Tech was checking me out. She got pretty quiet and then she said "I have some news....'she' is a 'he'." I was in total shock. Total. Shock.
- Then she left the room and when she came back she said I needed to go see my doctor. Turns out my amniotic fluid levels are very low. I have a condition called Oligohydramnios - which is when your fluid levels are measuring lower than a 5%. Mine were 2.5% - so now I'm on bed rest.
- Then a few days later I didn't feel any movement like I normally was. I tried everything to get him to move around, but nothing was working. I was worried due to the risk of him compressing his cord, so I called my husband and he came home early from work and we went to the doctor. They had me check into the Birth Center (round 2) and they did a Non-Stress Test. He wasn't moving around for awhile, but then they asked me to drink a Coke and it perked him right up - he started moving around and getting hiccups.
- They will be checking for an obstructed urinary tract at the next ultrasound. Possibility of a delivery this week.
- I felt that my son needed a strong name - something to protect him during this time. So I picked out the name "Gabriel" - perfect name for him =)
- The next ultrasound at 34 weeks revealed that the bed rest and the gallons of Gatorade I was drinking did me a world of good. I went from the 2.5th percentile to the 40th percentile! All of his organs appear to be fine - no obstructions.
35 weeks pregnant
- Uterus is measuring small. At 33 weeks I was measuring small, but my fluids were extremely low. At 34 weeks I was measuring good in both areas. Now at 35 weeks I'm measuring at 33 weeks. Grrrr....frustration, frustration. Another ultrasound scheduled to check fluids again.
- Ultrasound revealed that my fluids dropped again, but I'm still in the safe zone in the 20th percentile.
36 weeks pregnant
- Baby shower this week!
- Horrible, HORRIBLE upper/mid (bra line) back pain has kicked in. It hurts so badly that I just lay there and cry. Nothing helps.
- Weight: 153lbs (gained 42 lbs now)
37 weeks pregnant
- Seeing a massage therapist and a physical therapist this week about my back pain. Its so intolerable.
- Crampy contractions over the last week.
- I'm so tired lately - more so than I have been so far.
- I decided that I wont be packing the hospital bag until I'm in labor. I've made a list of what I need to pack, but wont be packing it. I feel like its just staring at me - like I'm being pressured - when it is packed.
- My animals are acting weird. Leila (my shepherd) wont let me go anywhere, not even the bathroom, alone. Juppy (my cat) insists that I open up my bedroom door so I can pick him up and he can give me a kiss. Gidget (another cat) will not leave me alone and has to lay on or be touching my tummy. Very weird behaviors around here!
38 weeks pregnant
- Saturday evening I had contractions that were in my lower back and around to my front. The next morning (Sunday) they were still going. They were very achy, crampy contractions. They didn't get any stronger though and on Monday I didn't as many; a few painful ones here and there, but nothing to call the doctor about.
- I got up one morning feeling like someone tried to take me out at the knee. It just keeps getting worse and I can hardly walk. Turns out this is normal and has to do with ligaments and such.
- My appointment reveals that he hasn't dropped; that his head is still between my hip bones.
- Another ultrasound scheduled for 39 weeks to check fluids once again.
- You turned out of your "good" position and are now "sunny side up" - just like I was born. Oh how I am looking forward to the possible back labor I am about to experience if you don't turn.
39 weeks pregnant
- Monday: Fluids really like to go all over the place. They go from 14cm, to 9cm, now they are at 11cm. Thankfully, those are all good numbers, unlike the ones I was having.
- Tuesday: I had my doctor do a cervical check. She doesn't do them unless you want her to do them, but I was curious. My cervix turned out to be high (posterior), hard, and closed.
- Wednesday: I felt really dizzy this week and had a bad headache. Called doctor and ended up with round 3 at the Birth Center. The nurse checked me out and said my cervix was still high, but starting to soften.
- Thursday: I started to try things to naturally induce labor - spicy food, pineapple, even sex (though this wasn't high on my list). It did bring on some pretty strong contractions.
- Friday: More contractions, but they didn't really hurt like they did the night before. Lots of stabbing pains in my cervix and its nearly impossible to walk.
40 weeks and beyond is covered in Trista's Birth Story
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