Written by: Sonia Cushing
This is Sonia's 4th child
The Birth Story of Sonia, Matt, and Magdalene Cushing…and Mason, Charlotte, and Isaac
My first three children were born in a hospital. Their births were beautiful, uncomplicated, and unmedicated.
But when I became pregnant with my fourth child,
I knew in my heart I was not going to deliver in a hospital.
That’s when we found Clare and Emme –
midwives that could support us in exactly the way we needed.
My pregnancy continued, uncomplicated, and actually was the easiest of all my pregnancies. I loved being pregnant, I always had, and we began to prepare for our homebirth. We assembled a birth team consisting of our midwives, doula, and a birth photographer who happened to be a dear friend of ours. Our three children were also included in our birth planning and were thrilled to each have their jobs for the big day. We chose the baby’s nursery as our birthing room, and we inflated our birth pool, posted inspiring words and verses around the room, had music, candles, and massage oil ready…but nothing could really prepare us for the beautiful experience that awaited us.
Tuesday, February 16th:
The day finally came, or so I thought. I was 4 days overdue, and awoke with contractions at 4am. Contractions were consistently ten minutes apart so I called our midwives to come as they were over an hour away and I wanted to give them plenty of warning. Little did I know the day would end up being fairly uneventful. Contractions were scarce throughout the day although they were strong and lasted over a minute each. Clare and Emme left the house for a while, but stayed close in town. When they came back later, they palpated and found baby was very likely posterior. After some rebozo sifting, and an inversion we went to bed that night with no baby yet. Clare stayed on our couch and Emme went to be closer to their other
clients for the evening.
On Wednesday, February 17th, I woke up at 1:30am with contractions again. They were still only 10 minutes apart, so I snuck out of bed without waking anyone to see if they would continue. Within 30 minutes, contractions were consistently three minutes apart. Clare listened to baby’s heart tones
and found that baby had, in fact, rotated.
Today was finally going to be the day!!
Clare called Emme, and I called our doula, Amy, and our photographer and friend, Sarah. My Mom had also joined us and would be there to help with our three older children during labor. We started filling the birth pool, and contractions continued at 3 minutes apart. I felt so comfortable, knowing I didn’t have to leave our home. I had everything, and everyone I needed with me and we were all settled in to have our baby.
At 5:10am I decided I was ready to get into the birth pool.
It was my first experience laboring in water, and it was heaven.
The room was a sanctuary.
It was easy to relax with the candle light flickering, the soft music playing, and the warm water enveloping my body.
Clare and Emme listened to baby’s heart tones intermittently, and Amy’s magic hands massaged my shoulders or my tensed up forehead as needed. Matt was by my side continually. His close presence strengthened me in ways words can’t explain as I used slow, controlled breaths through each contraction.
I continued to labor in the pool, occasionally getting out to use the bathroom, but always returning to the water. Around 6:30am, the sun started coming up and the rest of the house started to wake. My children began to surround me, excited for the arrival of our new baby. They continued to come in and out of the room throughout the morning.
My daughter (Charlotte, 4) poured water on my lower back during contractions;
my son (Isaac, 2) sat by my husband and would put his hand on my head throughout contractions to do what he could to help his mama.
My oldest son (Mason, 6), stood by tentatively…I remember being concerned for him after just one glance at his little face…was this too much for him? He was our time keeper and continued to announce the time for us.
He took his job very seriously!
At 8am, I got out of the pool.
I remember vividly sitting on the birth ball in the living room, my husband kneeling in front of me.
I looked at him tearfully and said to him
“I know it’s going to be over soon and I almost don’t want it to be!”
That, to me, is the strongest indication of how much I
was actually enjoying this beautiful experience.
I was certain I was in transition, yet I was relishing every moment.
I had never felt SO loved or supported in my life.
Contractions seemed to be slowing and I wanted to get moving to try and get them to pick up. I worked with my midwives to try some lunges and alternate positioning to get contractions to resume. All to no avail. My labor had stalled! I requested a cervical check to see how far dilated I was, and to make sure baby’s position was not a cause for concern. Emme found me to be EIGHT centimeters dilated, and baby’s position was perfect. I couldn’t believe contractions had stalled in transition! Clare and Emme suggested Matt and I crawl into bed and have a rest. They hypothesized that the commotion of everyone in the house may have been an emotional cause for the physical stall in my labor. They were so reassuring and comforting while I remained confused by my body’s untimely pause. Taking their advice, Matt and I crawled into bed around 9:45am.
Much to my surprise, I SLEPT!
I awoke at 10:30am to a HUGE contraction. Matt talked me into staying in bed until I got another one, which seemed like a good idea. Another contraction came, and as soon as it was over, I knew it was time to get back into the pool. It wasn’t long until I felt the urge to push. I began some light pushing, and a strange thought occurred to me. I said “No one is holding my legs or counting for me!”
I cried tears of joy as I realized our baby’s birth was unfolding in such a
beautiful, natural, and NORMAL process.
I continued with some light pushing in a kneeling/lunge position until I felt a stronger urge. I then moved to a semi-sitting position and followed my body’s instincts. Matt got into the pool as he wanted to deliver the baby, and the room was filled with anticipation as the moment of birth was upon us. I pushed again and my bag of waters ruptured. With another push, baby’s head emerged. Emme helped as baby continued her unique navigation into the world (she rotated 270 degrees and delivered her posterior shoulder first!).
Matt delivered our baby girl and lifted her from the water, as Mason announced the time of birth - 11:13am.
Matt placed baby on my chest. She was moving vigorously and cried nearly instantly.
Charlotte put the first hat on baby.
Mason’s second job was to check gender and he confirmed baby was a girl, as we had expected. Mason, who had been tentative all morning, finally broke down in my mother’s lap crying tears of joy as he was overwhelmed by the moment.
Isaac stood by marveling at it all, trying to take it all in as best a two year old can do.
I was thankful, so thankful, that all my children had seen their little sister’s birth.
Within 20 minutes we were resting in our own bed, all 6 of us, gazing at our newest family member as she nursed at my breast.
She weighed 10 pounds, was 23 inches long and would later be named Magdalene (Maggie).
She was finally in my arms, in our home, and forever in our hearts.
View their beautiful story here:
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