
Jun 22, 2011

"Baby Blues"

Isn't a baby supposed to make you happy? Well, for around 50-80% of women, something called "Baby Blues" hit in the first week, usually around 3-5 days after delivery, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. Feeling this way doesn't make you less of a mother.

Take a look at what's happened over the last year of your life:
  • Your hormone levels are changing
  • Delivery of the baby is exhausting
  • Going home can be overwhelming
  • In addition, you are now dealing with the demands of a newborn who has round-the-clock demands (which are never on your previous schedule) and your lack of sleep.
  • You may also be feeling less attractive these days due to your lack of sleep, the left over belly from pregnancy, and the weight you've gained.
  • Maybe your relationship with your partner has now changed.
  • If your breastfeeding, you're learning how to do that with your baby, which can be difficult at times during the first few weeks.

Symptoms include:

  • unexpected sadness and irritability
  • bouts of crying
  • restlessness
  • anxiety

These feelings will probably fade over the next few weeks (and if they don't, please see:  for more information). In the meantime, try to follow the tips listed below:
  • Don't expect so much of yourself. You wont feel so overwhelmed forever. This is a big change in your life (whether its your first baby or your fourth). You'll get more comfortable and used to this new role. If you expect too much of yourself or your baby you'll only let yourself down. Do the best you can, which may not be as much as you'd liked or hoped for, but you can only do so much. 
  • Try not to be alone all the time. Ask for help when you need it (from a spouse, friend, parent, housekeeper, etc.). It is depressing to be alone with a newborn, mountains of laundry and dishes, and yet another sleep-deprived night. 
  • Take a shower every day. It may sound silly ("Of course I'm going to take a shower!"), but until you're a new mom, you don't know how hard it can be to get a shower - and you wont know how much you appreciate one every day until you have to try and fit it in. If you look good, you feel good. You don't have to dress up, but at least make sure you're wearing some clean clothes.
  • Get out of the house. A change of scenery can do wonders for your mind. Try to get out of the house at least once a day. You don't even have to get in your car, just try and go for a walk. 
  • Treat yourself. Watch a movie, read a book, have a dinner date, get a massage, or just take a nice long shower or bath! Make yourself a priority at least once a week. You deserve it. 
  • Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins. You could even try to join an exercise group that includes babies if you'd like! Or pop in an exercise DVD, or go for a stroller walk (pushing a stroller can help tone your body).
  • Snack. Don't forget to feed yourself. Low blood sugar = low energy = bad mood. Keep easy to munch on snacks within reach. 
  • Cry. If you need a good cry, let it out.
  • Laugh. When you're done crying, laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

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