I wont hold the fact that you don't breastfeed, you do or don't vaccinate, or that you want medication during your birth against you at all. It's not my, nor anyone elses business if you choose to do any of those things. Just as it isn't anyone's business if I vaccinate, how I feed my child, or what choices I made during my labor and delivery. I have been on both sides of the fence in every of the above situations.
I have felt the joys of breastfeeding, I have felt the trials.
I have felt the heartbreak of not being able to breastfeed any longer, and I have felt the happiness of knowing that formula is helping my child to grow.
I know that breastfeeding can be tough, and I know that not being able to breastfeed can feel even tougher.
I know that getting up in the middle of the night to make a bottle sucks, and I know that some babies have a hard time with certain formulas.
The point I'm trying to make here, is that there can be trials and tribulations with either decision.
I do not feel that you are a failure as a mother if you have decided to formula feed - if I thought that, then I would think that I am a failure as a mother, and I most certainly do not. I do not think you are a failure as a woman if you didn't make it through your labor "naturally."
Formula feeding mothers need to understand that breastfeeding mothers don't always feel so great either. When your baby is crying because he can't latch on, or because he's hungry and your breast has emptied, but he wasn't finished, or when you're in a public place and your baby is hungry, so you feed him (even privately, modestly, covered) and you get nasty looks from other people - those are things that some breastfeeding mothers have to deal with. Breastfeeding mothers are protected by the law to allow you to be able to feed in public without scrutiny, but yet, they will still be scrutinized. A formula feeding mother doesn't have to endure that aspect of mothering. While you will see a lot of information on breastfeeding here, it is because there is a ton of information about it out there. There are lot of issues that can arise while breastfeeding and its important to try and discuss those. Yes, I realize there are some issues with formula feeding as well, and trust...I will get to those if I haven't already.
And yes, I will be posting things about home birth and involving a doula or a midwife.
Did I have a doula or a midwife? No.
Did I have a home birth? No.
But the ideas of all of these choices thrills me. That is why I decided to become a doula.
Pregnancy, birth, the options you have all along the way, it all excites me on a deep level.
If you have any topic you'd like to have discussed, feel free to let me know - I'd be happy to discuss the topic as best as I can. And if you're a part of my Facebook group and would like to see more information about a certain topic and you have the knowledge about it, there is a "create document" button on the right hand side of the page. Discuss away.
Thank You & Happy Mothering!!
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