What are the benefits?
Relaxation of course!
Releasing tension
Helps with digestion and elimination (so its great for those poor little constipated babies)
Improves sleep
Eases growing pains
Helps calm the colicky baby (I feel that in order for this to work, you, the parent, need to emit a calm energy while giving the massage as well)
Benefits for the mother?
Touching and handling your baby promotes milk production - its stimulating to your prolactin hormones
Benefits for the father?
When your baby is first born, he (she) is so small that sometimes you're almost afraid to hold them; massage will help build your confidence and create a great bond.
Be sure you have a nice warm space, free of distractions and bright lights. You can place your baby on a towel if you'd like. Be sure to have your lotion close by. Take a nice deep breath and calm your mind. Use gentle, but firm pressure. You can of course massage the head, face, arms, legs, etc. but for this post I'm just going to discuss the abdomen in what many refer to as the "I Love You" massage.
You want to be sure that you're always moving in a clockwise direction. You large intestine moves up from your right side, over across your abdomen (level with your navel), and down your left side.

Step 2: Now we make an "L" - Pick your hand up, place it near the top of the left hip (your baby's right hip) and drag your fingers across (horizontally) the abdomen. Then come back down the "I" again on the right.
Step 3: Now we'll finish and make the "U" - Starting at the bottom of the "I" on the left side, draw your fingers upward to the hip bone, bring them across again (start the "L") and pull them down (to finish the "I").
Its always easier to see it, than read it! Check out this quick video! I Love U Baby Massage
I've had a good response with this massage for Gabriel. He hadn't gone to the bathroom in about a day and I did this with him - minutes later he went! Not everyone will get that quick of a response, but some may! If you have a particularly gassy, constipated, or upset baby, I would recommend doing this 2 - 4 times a day, or as needed. In addition, babies aren't the only ones who benefit from this massage - its helpful for people of all ages.
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