
Jan 20, 2012

Natural Hair Care Journey

All right, after hearing about this from my cousin (go ahead and click "cousin" to read all about the "how to's"), and now running into it on Pinterest, I've decided to give it a shot.

I'm no longer going to use Shampoo or Conditioner. I sounds gross. And quite frankly, I felt like I was about to conduct a science experiment in my shower. But I gave it a whirl. My hair is still wet, but my son is asleep and I have to take advantage of this time!

What I'm trying is the Baking Soda "shampoo" and Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.

A few things I'm already noticing, 10 minutes out:
1) I'm amazed by the difference that my scalp is already feeling. It feel so clean - almost tingly!! I'm excited to see what will happen with my hair over the next few weeks.

2) My hair doesn't smell like a pickle.

3) I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get through my hair without conditioner. I didn't have ANY problems with it! I got through it just like I had used conditioner.

It was definitely odd not seeing the lather. I'm wondering if I may start to see benefits to the skin on my back as well. For so long I've kept my hair shorter because it seems like my hair touching my back makes me break out and I've often wondered if it was from my shampoo and conditioners. So we'll see what this does for me. I'm also thinking about adding some essential oils to the mix at some point.

Now, my roots are oily, my ends are not, so I am someone who normally has to wash my hair every day. I guess this "poo free" recipe works like this: shampooing your hair every day strips the oils and creates this nasty cycle where our bodies end up making more oil to replace the oil we stripped yesterday. You don't want that...then you end up like me and have to wash your hair daily. Like I said above, you can read even more about all of this on my cousins blog.

What did I do?
1) I took the box of baking soda and the bottle of ACV along with a jar (with a lid) into the bathroom. I wet my hair down and then I put 2 tbs of baking soda into approximately 16oz of the water from the shower. You can do 1tbs to 8 oz if your hair is shorter. Basically, you just pour it on and massage your scalp. This part is mainly for the scalp. One thing that I found interesting is that I had my head tilted back, but I still had some of the mixture dripping down my face. I thought this was interesting because the only reason I really noticed it was because I could taste it - I haven't realized before that the shampoos were getting on my face. Maybe the accounts for some of my breakouts?

2) Do the same with the ACV - I actually used 4tbs to the 16oz because my hair is so hard to get through normally. Play around with it and see what works. Maybe next time I'll try less and see if I get the same results.

I DID use the whole 16 oz on my hair both times. I'm sure I probably wasn't supposed to use the whole bottle. Oh well! My head feels great!

UPDATE Feb. 1, 2012:
This has definitely been a challenge so far! My hair is...well, quite gross, to say the least. It's definitely in its transition phase. I've taken a very tiny amount of shampoo to it twice out of hygiene panic. By tiny, I mean tiny...we're talkin' maybe a tsp. I have tried out the CO wash as well during the last week and that went alright. I just hope I get out of this transition stage soon before I go crazy...or someone thinks I'm crazy.

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